Custom Residential

Serrano Village Residence

tamasi ross construction 104 greyson creek ht tamasi 104 rear cs 01 hr

4,525, sq. ft. beautiful home in the hills of Serrano, utilizing the lot shape makes the most of your project and assists in our design process to make the most of the space allotted to you.

tamasi ross construction 104 greyson creek ht tamasi 104 rear cs 01 hr
tamasi ross construction 104 greyson creek ht tamasi 104 left cs 01 hr
tamasi ross construction 104 greyson creek ht tamasi 104 front cs 01 hr
2022 2 25 a3 tamasi ross lot 104 front (east) elevation
2022 2 25 a2 tamasi ross lot 104 roof plan & site
2022 2 25 a1 tamasi ross lot 104 floor plan & site

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